Becoming a partner in a firm is a prestigious milestone, representing a significant commitment to the firm's success. Partners generally hold equity in the firm, share in its profits, and participate in its governance. The common criteria firms look for in potential partners include achieving high billable hours, successfully acquiring and retaining clients, and demonstrating leadership skills. Given these rigorous requirements, a strategic approach toward career advancement is crucial.

In this blog, we'll dive into 10 actionable strategies that can help you navigate this challenging yet rewarding journey. Since no strategy is perfect or ever a sure thing, we recommend picking the two or three that play best to your strengths and combining them with each other. 

Strategy 1 - Building Strong Client Relationships

Client relationships are the backbone of a firm's success. Building and nurturing these relationships require regular communication, a deep understanding of clients' businesses, and delivering exceptional service.

Actionable Steps:

  • Regularly communicate with clients to understand their needs and provide timely updates.

  • Deeply understand their business and industry to offer tailored legal advice.

  • Consistently provide exceptional service to exceed client expectations.

Combine with Strategy 2 (Networking) and Strategy 3 (Specialization) to amplify your impact, enhancing client trust and expertise in targeted areas.

Strategy 2 - Networking Within and Outside the Firm

Networking is pivotal in career advancement. Building relationships within and outside your firm can open doors to new opportunities and valuable connections.

Actionable Steps:

  • Attend industry events and firm functions to meet influential people.

  • Join professional organizations that align with your career goals.

  • Build genuine relationships with senior partners and colleagues for mentorship and guidance.

Combine with Strategy 1 (Client Relationships) and Strategy 5 (Mentorship), creating a robust support network.

Strategy 3 - Specializing in a Niche Area

Specializing in a niche area can set you apart from your peers, making you invaluable to your firm and clients.

Actionable Steps:

  • Identify high-demand areas within your firm where you can develop expertise.

  • Pursue additional certifications or education to build credibility.

  • Regularly publish articles or speak at conferences to showcase your knowledge.

Combine with Strategy 1 (Client Relationships) and Strategy 7 (Thought Leadership) positioning yourself as a go-to expert.

Strategy 4 - Demonstrating Leadership and Initiative

Leadership qualities are essential in potential partners. Demonstrating your ability to lead and take initiative can significantly enhance your candidacy.

Actionable Steps:

  • Volunteer for challenging projects to showcase your skills.

  • Lead team meetings or initiatives to demonstrate your leadership capability.

  • Mentor junior associates to build a supportive and strong team.

Combine with Strategy 6 (Team Collaboration) and Strategy 10 (Firm Citizenship) to exhibit a comprehensive leadership profile.

Strategy 5 - Seeking Out Mentorship

A mentor can provide invaluable advice and support throughout your career. Seeking out mentorship is a strategic way to accelerate your growth.

Actionable Steps:

  • Identify potential mentors within your firm and industry.

  • Schedule regular meetings to seek guidance and feedback.

  • Act on feedback and continually demonstrate your progress.

Combine with Strategy 2 (Networking) and Strategy 9 (Continuous Learning) to foster long-term professional development.

Strategy 6 - Fostering Team Collaboration

Successful firms rely on strong, collaborative teams. Fostering team collaboration can significantly contribute to the firm's success and demonstrate your value.

Actionable Steps:

  • Promote open communication within your teams.

  • Share credit for team successes to build morale and trust.

  • Resolve conflicts constructively to maintain a positive working environment.

Combine with Strategy 4 (Leadership) and Strategy 8 (Effective Communication) to demonstrate your commitment to the firm and your leadership abilities.

Strategy 7 - Establishing Thought Leadership

Establishing yourself as a thought leader can build your credibility and attract new clients to your firm.

Actionable Steps:

  • Write articles or whitepapers to showcase your expertise.

  • Speak at industry events to gain visibility and credibility.

  • Maintain an active presence on professional social media platforms.

Combine with Strategy 3 (Specialization) and Strategy 10 (Firm Citizenship), enhancing your professional profile.

Strategy 8 - Mastering Effective Communication

Effective communication is critical for leadership and client relations. Mastering this skill can set you apart as a strong candidate for partnership.

Actionable Steps:

  • Practice active listening to understand and respond effectively.

  • Develop clear and concise writing skills for all forms of communication.

  • Hone your public speaking abilities for presentations and meetings.

Combine with Strategy 6 (Team Collaboration) and Strategy 4 (Leadership), demonstrating your comprehensive communication skill set.

Strategy 9 - Committing to Continuous Learning

Continuous learning is necessary to stay current in the legal field. Committing to this strategy can significantly enhance your expertise and value.

Actionable Steps:

  • Attend workshops and seminars to keep up with industry trends.

  • Pursue advanced degrees or certifications to deepen your knowledge.

  • Stay updated with the latest legal and industry developments.

Combine with Strategy 5 (Mentorship) and Strategy 7 (Thought Leadership) to ensure continuous professional growth.

Strategy 10 - Demonstrating Firm Citizenship

Contributing to your firm's culture and community, known as firm citizenship, is highly valued. Demonstrating this can set you apart as a dedicated candidate for partnership.

Actionable Steps:

  • Participate in firm events and initiatives to show your engagement.

  • Volunteer for pro bono work or community service to contribute to the firm's mission.

  • Support firm policies and culture consistently.

Combine with Strategy 4 (Leadership) and Strategy 7 (Thought Leadership) to display your dedication to the firm.

In conclusion, the path to partnership is multifaceted and requires a combination of strategies. By implementing and combining the ten strategies discussed in a way that plays to your individual strengths, you can significantly enhance your chances of making partner. Start implementing these strategies today to pave your way to partnership success.

Additional Resources

For further reading on what it takes to achieve partnership and what partnership entails, check out these articles written by some very smart people:

Join industry-specific networking groups and organizations such as:


The Ultimate Guide to Legal Hiring: Comprehensive Strategies for Attracting Top Talent